
Kira's First Haircut

It had to be done.  Her hair was always in her face, she looked like such a little ragamuffin.  Steve would like it to be on the record that he was against it.  He doesn't dig bangs.  But, it turned out cute! I think so at least.

We went to Cool Cuts 4 Kids over off of 45 in Spring.  The lady was pretty nice, seemed like she knew what she was doing.  We only had her bangs cut, so it only cost us $8, which was pretty sweet.  I was very apprehensive, but glad it turned out!

Her before:

She doesn't usually dig people messing with her hair, and cutting it was no different.  She did pretty good though.  The lady was really nice and did a very thorough job, which I definitely appreciated.  

My little model in the making.  Look at her posing all cool....

1 comment:

  1. The haircuts look adorable! Precious munchkins you have! Blog is wonderful, thanks for stopping by my community at the BF! I have found that BF is a wonderful resource for more blog visibility!

    See you there!
